7C SOLARPARKEN WKN: A11QW6 ISIN: DE000A11QW68 Kürzel: HRPK Forum: Aktien Thema: Hauptdiskussion

1,93 EUR
-1,33 %-0,03
13. Nov, 23:01:00 Uhr, L&S Exchange
Kommentare 1.797
LesSmith, 24.03.2023 12:53 Uhr
Interest rates are sliding down => 1. future investments can be financed at a lower cost; 2. future cash flows have a higher value. Two factors that improve the value of 7c. But nobody cares it seems: today again -1,7% so that we look at a negative return of more than 12% since the start of 2023...
Derkinglebt1445, 23.03.2023 18:12 Uhr
For sure Not the time to sell! Warren Quote: you Need a business that can be run by an idiot…as Long as the other shares don‘t look any netter, nothing to be concerned about.
LesSmith, 23.03.2023 11:00 Uhr
A share price of 3,75€ is a dream price for a company in search of a takeover. It does not has to be RWE Renewables or so, the biggest Japanese utility just bought a wind energy park for the Belgian coast for more than 1,5B €... And don't forget the Arabs and Chinese whose pockets are very well filled.
Derkinglebt1445, 22.03.2023 13:36 Uhr
The next numbers will be ugly. We have to hope for the outlook or sb buys on Bad News xD
Derkinglebt1445, 22.03.2023 13:33 Uhr
I think the whole sector is down…Watch Neoen or Boralex!! My Share price is 4,08 I am calm but do Not buy more. Encavis has huge short interest too…it is what it is the Hype was real.
LesSmith, 22.03.2023 13:13 Uhr
Deutschland "Sunshine State"? Not immediately off course, but not that impossible... Climate change is making southern Europa hotter by the day, the sunshine border is constantly moving up northwards in Europe. Even more, French nuclear installations in the south of France risk getting short of cooling water => higher electricity prices. The water situation there is already becoming a disaster. Concerning the share price of 7c, my opinion for what's it worth... First one: there is a big shareholder constantly getting rid of its participation in 7C, still has an overall profit and sells even while pushing the share price lower by its own selling. Second one is more psychological: a self fulfilling prophecy. (Small) shareholders see every day that the share price does not rise, even when the broader market is in an upward move. They sell small amounts of shares which attracts people who want to buy and they put their bid price lower again. The sellers see this and think they must be quick to sell because the bid prices are constantly getting lower. With the consequence of a stagnant or continuous sling share price... Am I wrong?
Derkinglebt1445, 21.03.2023 12:33 Uhr
Ich habe mir eine abdeckplane fürs Auto gekauft weil es mir wegrostet vor lauter regen. Schön wie es im Südwesten aussieht da hat 7c aber keine Anlage! Die Mittelwerte sind ganz alter Kaffee…seit 30 jahren oder länger steigt die Zahl der sonnenstunden in Deutschland. Das Quartal wird absolute Grütze Ende. Niedrigere Strompreise sind auch bekannt aber das wusste der Kollege ja auch schon
Fireabend, 20.03.2023 23:16 Uhr
Und auch der Februar war besser als das Mittel, vorallem im Südwesten... Hier spielt aber mehr der gesunkene Strompreis und die teurer gewordene Finanzierung rein. Alles Dinge die früher oder später wieder zu unseren Gunsten drehen werden. Wir wollen mit Strom fahren und heizen...
Fireabend, 20.03.2023 23:12 Uhr
Solarstrahlung nimmt im Mittel in Deutschland immer weiter zu. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.dwd.de/DE/leistungen/solarenergie/download_dekadenbericht.pdf%3F__blob%3DpublicationFile%26v%3D6&ved=2ahUKEwjuhKmiw-v9AhUdhP0HHVv1BeQQFnoECB0QAQ&usg=AOvVaw0DNgkTsXAHP4gf7R6D4tiP
Derkinglebt1445, 20.03.2023 21:46 Uhr
Dear dude this Company earns Money with Sunshine. Double Check the weather in Bayern und Sachsen. You dont live here obviously….there was no Sunshine this year. Encavis has better places this time. Sometimes its very easy to find out Whats wrong. Ever heard sb saying germany the Sunshine State?
LesSmith, 20.03.2023 17:41 Uhr
Banking crisis? Today: DAX: +1% and on Xetra: Encavis: +1,4%, 7C? Nichts, nada, zero, rien... -0,3%
LesSmith, 15.03.2023 16:23 Uhr
From October last year but still worth looking at: https://www.pv-magazine.com/2022/10/27/new-solar-capacity-10-times-cheaper-than-gas-says-rystad/
LesSmith, 15.03.2023 11:10 Uhr
From October last year but still worth looking at: https://www.pv-magazine.com/2022/10/27/new-solar-capacity-10-times-cheaper-than-gas-says-rystad/
Visualxpc, 13.03.2023 15:51 Uhr

Wurde die Woche ausgestoppt und bin froh das Papier loszusein. Plan absolut nicht aufgegangen und in den letzten 30 Tagen sogar den langfristigen Aufwärtstrend verlassen. Leider für die Tonne 🤮

Ja muss halt auch Mal aussitzen können und nicht mit Verlust bei nem gesunden Unternehmen verkaufen.
LesSmith, 10.03.2023 18:33 Uhr
The price of gas rises further, fine, that implies higher electricity prices. But... today 7c seems a banking share and out of "sympathy" with the tumbling banking shares again -1,43% on XETRA. Roughly almost 4% down this week. Nice start of the year 2023.
LesSmith, 10.03.2023 8:40 Uhr
A light in the dark? The price of gas is rising, very important for the price of electricity... and thereby for 7c
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