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1933 INDUSTRIES WKN: A2N61A ISIN: CA65442F1053 Kürzel: 1QF Forum: Aktien Thema: Hauptdiskussion

0,0071 USD
-6,46 %-0,0005
5. Oct, 02:10:00 Uhr, Nasdaq OTC
Kommentare 1.137
LilaLauneBär, 17.05.2019 12:27 Uhr
Mit der Option sie zurück zu kaufen
LilaLauneBär, 17.05.2019 12:27 Uhr
Wieso baut man eine grow Anlage und verkauft sie dann wieder
LilaLauneBär, 15.05.2019 18:32 Uhr
Was heißt das jetzt haben die jetzt was gekauft oder verkauft
LilaLauneBär, 15.05.2019 18:32 Uhr
1933 Industries gibt den Verkauf seines Kultivierungsimmobilienvermögens in Las Vegas im Wert von 10,45 Mio. USD mit einem 10-jährigen Lease-Back bekannt Der Erlös aus dem Verkauf Bilanz stärken und nicht-verwässernde Kapital für die Expansion Initiativen entsperren 1933 Industries freut sich bekannt zu geben, dass seine Tochtergesellschaft, die Alternative Medicine Association („AMA“), einen Sale and Lease Back (die „Sale Transaction“) für ihre neu errichtete Cannabis-Anbauanlage in Las Vegas, Nevada, abgeschlossen hat. Der Kaufpreis für die Verkaufstransaktion beträgt USD 10.450.000, die das Unternehmen erhalten hat, vorbehaltlich einer Rückbehaltung von USD 500.000, die nach Abschluss der Einrichtung und Erteilung einer unbefristeten Nutzungserlaubnis freigegeben wird, und einer Rückbehaltung von USD 250.000, die freigegeben wird Ausgabe von staatlichen und lokalen für die Anlage ermöglicht. AMA rechnet Erhalt aller Genehmigungen und Zulassungen für die vollständigen Anbaumaßnahmen innerhalb von 45 Tagen. Die Verkaufstransaktion umfasst die Anbaufläche sowie das 1,39 Hektar große Grundstück, auf dem sie liegt. Die Verkaufstransaktion umfasst einen Lease-Back-Vertrag für einen Zeitraum von 10 Jahren mit der Option, die Leasingdauer um zwei weitere Zeiträume von jeweils 5 Jahren zu verlängern, um einen langfristigen Standort für den laufenden Anbau des Unternehmens zu gewährleisten. Das Unternehmen meldet auch, dass es eine befristete Aufenthaltserlaubnis für die Einrichtung erhalten hat.   Herr Brayden Sutton, President & CEO, sagte: „Wir freuen uns, die Verkaufstransaktion abzuschließen und unser Immobilienvermögen zu nutzen, um unser Wachstum zu unterstützen. Wir haben den Erwerb des Grundstücks und den Bau der Anlage ohne Verschuldung finanziert, sodass der gesamte Verkaufserlös für das Betriebskapital und zur Finanzierung von Akquisitionen in wichtigen Cannabismärkten zur Verfügung steht. Das sorgfältige Festhalten an einer effizienten Kapitalallokation und an soliden operativen Praktiken hat uns zu einer starken Finanzposition geführt, die uns in unsere nächste Wachstumsphase treiben wird. “
030, 15.05.2019 15:01 Uhr
1933 Industries Announces USD$10.45 Million Sale of its Cultivation Real Estate Asset in Las Vegas with a 10-Year Lease-Back Proceeds of the sale strengthen balance sheet and unlock non-dilutive capital for expansion initiatives 1933 Industries is pleased to announce that its subsidiary, Alternative Medicine Association (“AMA”), has completed a sale and lease back (the “Sale Transaction”) for its newly constructed cannabis cultivation facility in Las Vegas, Nevada. The purchase price for the Sale Transaction is USD$10,450,000, which the Company has received, subject to a USD$500,000 hold back to be released upon the completion of the facility and issuance of permanent occupancy permits, and a USD$250,000 hold back to be released upon issuance of state and local permitting for the facility. AMA anticipates receipt of all permits and approvals for full cultivation operations within 45 days. The Sale Transaction includes the cultivation facility as well as the 1.39 acres of land it sits on. The Sale Transaction includes a lease-back agreement for a period of 10 years, with the option to extend the lease term for two additional periods of 5 years each, ensuring a long term location for the ongoing cultivation operations of the Company. The Company also reports that it has received a Temporary Occupancy Permit for the facility. Mr. Brayden Sutton, President & CEO, said “We are pleased to complete the Sale Transaction and leverage our real estate asset to support our growth. We funded the purchase of the land and construction of the facility without incurring any debt, so the full sale proceeds are available for working capital and to fund acquisitions in key cannabis markets. Our diligent adherence to efficient capital allocation and sound operational practices has led us to maintain a strong financial position which will propel us into our next growth stage”.
030, 13.05.2019 23:17 Uhr
May 13, 2019 1933 Industries to Present at the 3rd Annual Canaccord Genuity Cannabis Conference and at the CannaStocks 2019 Q1 Investor Conference in New York this Week 1933 Industries Inc. is pleased to report that Mr. Chris Rebentisch, USA COO and Founder of the Company’s Infused MFG. subsidiary, will present to an investor audience this week in New York during two highly anticipated events in the cannabis industry. 3rd Annual Canaccord Genuity Cannabis Conference Held on May 14th at the Grand Hyatt New York, the one-day event will feature company presentations and one-on-one meetings with senior management teams representing every facet of the global cannabis industry, including U.S. multi-state operators, Canadian licensed producers, technology providers, brand owners and hemp producers from across North America, Europe, Australia and South America. Mr. Rebentisch’s formal presentation is scheduled for 9:20AM and the 1933 Industries team will be available for private meetings throughout the day. For more information, please visit https://www.canaccordgenuity.com/capital-markets/about-us/events/ CannaStocks2019 Q1 Investor Conference The Company will also present at the CannaStocks2019 Q1 Investor Conference to be held at the OTC Markets Group offices in New York on May 15th, featuring company presentations and discussions regarding current market trends from a few select OTC Markets QX and QB tier Issuers. Mr. Rebentisch is scheduled to present at 3:00PM. Industry participants will provide insight on themes including: innovation, consolidation, international expansion and specialization. For those investors unable to attend in person, a live streaming video webcast of the event will be available on the Virtual Investor Conferences, which will also be archived and *** available after the event. For more information, please visit www.CannaStocks2019.com About 1933 Industries Inc. 1933 Industries Inc. is a vertically integrated cannabis company with operations in the United States and Canada. Operating through three subsidiary companies, 1933 Industries owns licensed medical and adult-use cannabis cultivation and production assets, proprietary hemp-based, CBD infused products, CBD extraction services and a specialized cannabis advisory firm supporting clients in security, intelligence and due diligence. The Company owns 91% of Alternative Medicine Association and 100% of both Infused MFG. and Spire Global Strategy
otti18, 02.05.2019 16:44 Uhr
I agree, since month we hear always what´s going on. The output is increasing, new facilities are, or will be build, but...……………..I´m loosing more and more money. Maybe someone can explain the strategy behind these statements. In any case, this is not recognizable in the share price.
LilaLauneBär, 30.04.2019 17:10 Uhr
Immer der gleiche scheis good News get down
030, 30.04.2019 11:17 Uhr
1933 Industries to Increase Versatility and Output of Hemp Extraction Facility Investment in research and development will create a cutting edge hemp processing facility with increased output capacity and versatility to work with additional cannabinoids. 1933 Industries is pleased to provide an update regarding its new hemp extraction facility in Las Vegas, Nevada. Fully Customized Processing Facility and Equipment The Company announces that it is progressing with plans to launch one of Nevada’s largest hemp extraction facilities, become a major player in the booming CBD (cannabinoid) industry and add a new significant revenue stream to its business model. The Company, in collaboration with a leading engineering firm, has completed an extensive research and development phase to develop a customized design in order to provide for a larger, more efficient and more robust hemp processing laboratory (“Hemp Lab”) than originally planned. The Hemp Lab has been designed in *** with the new regulations and recommendations set out by the recently passed farm bill or Agricultural Improvement Act of 2018. Increased Capacity and Versatility The Company plans to deploy a custom-built, ethanol extraction system with full chromatography abilities to allow for isolation of THC, CBD, CBN, CBG, CBC, and several other cannabinoids, including the ability to produce full spectrum and broad spectrum oils, as well as isolates. The equipment is currently being engineered to meet required GMP standards. The Hemp Lab’s increased capacity is estimated at a maximum monthly throughput of 68,000 kgs. of hemp biomass, producing approximately 5,000 kgs. of full spectrum oils or 4,500 kgs. of CBD isolate. This is an increase in capacity greater than previously announced on December 20, 2018. Timing and Scope Once the equipment and new facility design is finalized and approved by the Clark County zoning department in Nevada, construction will commence on the building. Subsequently, the customized equipment will be installed, tested and the Hemp Lab is expected to become operational by the end of the year. "The Company has invested heavily in the design of its customized equipment to provide maximum capacity and efficiency. We believe that the time and capital invested in the R&D of the facility will provide much larger returns for shareholders in the future,” commented Mr. Brayden Sutton, President and CEO. Mr. Chris Rebentisch, USA COO and Founder of Infused MFG added, “The Hemp Lab will not only have the ability to process CBD, but it will also have the flexibility to isolate cannabinoids that are emerging in popularity and uses such as CBN and CBG, at commercial scale volumes. Our intention for this new vertical is to utilize all isolates in the manufacturing of our own proprietary consumer branded goods, securing the supply of raw materials, increasing our margins and benefiting from a recurring revenue stream from the sale to other manufacturers”. About 1933 Industries Inc. 1933 Industries Inc. is a vertically integrated cannabis company with operations in the United States and Canada. Operating through three subsidiary companies, 1933 Industries owns licensed medical and adult-use cannabis cultivation and production assets, proprietary hemp-based, CBD infused products, CBD extraction services and a specialized cannabis advisory firm supporting clients in security, intelligence and due diligence. The Company owns 91% of Alternative Medicine Association and 100% of both Infused MFG. and Spire Global Strategy.
030, 30.04.2019 11:17 Uhr
Ja genau
gracian, 29.04.2019 19:09 Uhr
kommt wieder Bewegung rein!?
LilaLauneBär, 10.04.2019 20:17 Uhr
1933 Industries bereitet sich auf seinen neuen Anbau vor 1933 Industries freut sich bekannt zu geben, dass ihre Tochtergesellschaft, die Alternative Medicine Association ("AMA") die Vorbereitungen für den Umzug in die neue hochentwickelte Anlage für Cannabisanbau trifft, wenn die Bauphase zu Ende geht. Befristete Bescheinigung über die Belegung und Geschäftslizenz Das Unternehmen freut sich, mitteilen zu können, dass Nevada Energy kürzlich eine dauerhafte Stromversorgung für die Anlage eingerichtet hat und erwartet, bis Ende April ein temporäres Belegungszertifikat („TCO“) zu erhalten. Das Grow-Equipment wird 3-4 Wochen nach Erhalt der TCO vollständig installiert.   Nach dem Erhalt der TCO wird das Unternehmen mit den verschiedenen lokalen und staatlichen Abteilungen zusammenarbeiten, darunter Gesundheit und Sicherheit, Luftqualität, Unternehmenslizenz, Brandschutz usw., um die endgültigen Abnahmeprüfungen zu erhalten, die eine Bescheinigung über die Belegung („CO“) auslösen. ). Es wird geschätzt, dass dieser Prozess drei Wochen in Anspruch nimmt. Das Unternehmen hat der Grafschaft und dem Staat auch Anträge auf Genehmigung des Ortswechsels der Anbaulizenzen des Unternehmens für die neue Anbauanlage gestellt. Die Anträge wurden eingereicht und werden derzeit geprüft, und es wird erwartet, dass sie kurz nach Erhalt einer CO genehmigt werden. Betriebsphase Nachdem die CO und der Standortwechsel erreicht wurden, wird der Betrieb beginnen, und AMA wird sich darauf konzentrieren, den Anbau hochzufahren, um die volle Produktionskapazität zu erreichen. Die Anlage ist in 5 verschiedene Zonen mit insgesamt 15 Blumenzimmern und 4 Gemüsesälen unterteilt. Die Cannabisfabriken werden während ihres gesamten Lebenszyklus alle 12 Tage in eine neue Zone verlegt, und nach 90-120 Tagen wird erwartet, dass die Anlage genutzt wird und mit voller Kapazität betrieben wird. Die neue Anbauanlage wird voraussichtlich 50 Mitarbeiter beschäftigen, und es wurden bereits Vorkehrungen getroffen, um den Personalbestand in der Hochlaufphase schrittweise zu erhöhen. Das Unternehmen rechnet mit einer Kultivierung von etwa 700 bis 800 kg. Blüte pro Monat einmal bei voller Kapazität.   Chris Rebentisch, US-amerikanischer COO und Gründer von Infused, kommentierte: „Die neue Anlage ist ein wesentlicher Bestandteil der Unternehmensstrategie, die eine konsistente Versorgung mit Cannabisblüten und Inputmaterial für unsere AMA-Markenkonzentrate und White-Label-Produktion gewährleistet. Die erhöhte Kapazität, gepaart mit Effizienz in der Produktion und Skaleneffekten werden zweifellos die Erträge verbessern und höhere Margen bieten. “
030, 10.04.2019 15:19 Uhr
1933 Industries Prepares to Move into its New Cultivation Facility 1933 Industries is pleased to announce that its subsidiary, Alternative Medicine Association (“AMA”) is making preparations to move into its new advanced cannabis cultivation facility as the construction phase comes to an end. Temporary Certificate of Occupancy and Business License The Company is pleased to report that permanent power was recently established by Nevada Energy to the facility and that it anticipates receiving a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy (“TCO”) by the end of April. Grow equipment will be fully installed 3-4 weeks after the TCO has been received. Following TCO receipt, the Company will work with the various local and state departments including, Health & Safety, Air Quality, Business License, Fire Prevention, etc., to receive final inspection approvals, which will trigger a Certificate of Occupancy (“CO”). This process is estimated to take 3 weeks to obtain. The Company has also submitted requests to the County and the State to approve the change of location of the Company’s cultivation licenses to the new cultivation facility. The applications have been submitted and are under review, and are expected to be approved shortly after receipt of a CO. Operational Phase After the CO and change of location have been obtained, operations will begin, and AMA will focus on ramping up cultivation to achieve full production capacity. The facility is segregated into 5 different zones with a total of 15 bloom rooms and 4 veg rooms. The cannabis plants will move into a new zone every 12 days during their life cycle, and after 90-120 days the facility is expected to be utilized and operating at full capacity. The new cultivation facility will employ an estimated 50 people and arrangements have already been put in place to gradually increase staffing during the ramp up phase. The Company anticipates cultivating approximately 700-800 lbs. of flower per month once at full capacity. Mr. Chris Rebentisch, USA COO and Founder of Infused commented, “The new facility is a vital component of the Company’s strategy, ensuring the consistent supply of cannabis flower and input material for our AMA branded concentrates and white label production. The increased capacity, coupled with efficiencies in production and economies of scale will undoubtedly improve yields and provide higher margins.” About 1933 Industries Inc. 1933 Industries Inc. is a vertically integrated cannabis company with operations in the United States and Canada. Operating through three subsidiary companies, 1933 Industries owns licensed medical and adult-use cannabis cultivation and production assets, proprietary hemp-based, CBD infused products, CBD extraction services and a specialized cannabis advisory firm supporting clients in security, intelligence and due diligence. The Company owns 91% of Alternative Medicine Association and 100% of both Infused MFG. and Spire Global Strategy. Please visit our website at http://www.1933industries.com
dampfdamf, 10.04.2019 15:12 Uhr
LilaLauneBär, 09.04.2019 21:15 Uhr
Was ist lanthus
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