11 BIT STUDIOS SA ZY -,10 WKN: A1J1ZZ ISIN: PL11BTS00015 Kürzel: 11B Forum: Aktien Thema: Hauptdiskussion

36,28 EUR
+0,07 %+0,03
22. Dec, 19:00:12 Uhr, Lang & Schwarz
Kommentare 2.655
Torkum, Dienstag 13:17 Uhr
Ist es nicht
m4758406, Dienstag 12:20 Uhr
Besser jetzt kaufen als vor einem halben Jahr bei über 150 Euro. Das Chance-Risiko-Verhältnis ist jetzt um ein Vielfaches besser :)
Hochfinanz, Dienstag 12:18 Uhr
Ich spiele am Wochenende die Demo von the Alters und dann schaue ich ob ich hier dick reingehe
Presiden, Dienstag 11:24 Uhr
Mega Kaufgelegenheit finde ich. Ist aber nicht die nasdaq, die Erholung wird hier eher Jahre dauern und nicht nur paar Wochen oder Monate.
Golem33, Dienstag 11:19 Uhr
Darin heißt es auch, man habe Pläne in der Pipeline das dadurch entstehende Gap zu schließen, aber nichts konkretes.
Golem33, Dienstag 11:18 Uhr
Gerade kam die Mail von IR mit der Bestätigung, dass P8 komplett abgeschrieben wird.
BörsenBulle500, Dienstag 11:13 Uhr
Kann jemand bitte kurz vereinfach zusammenfassen, wieso das Ding so gecrasht ist?
LFC, Dienstag 11:08 Uhr

So die Katze ist ausm Sack, jetzt schauen wir mal was bei theAlters rauskommt.

Wann wäre das?
LFC, Dienstag 11:06 Uhr
In einem Monat Minus 40 Prozent, nicht schlecht!
Torkum, Dienstag 10:46 Uhr
So die Katze ist ausm Sack, jetzt schauen wir mal was bei theAlters rauskommt.
GamingAktionär, Dienstag 10:42 Uhr
Project 8 wurde jetzt offiziell abgesägt
m4758406, Dienstag 10:42 Uhr
bald 20
Havoc, 15. Dez 18:22 Uhr
Danke fürs Teilen des Kommentars
Lukwil, 14. Dez 21:18 Uhr
Ich muss aber sagen, ich werde es weiter zocken.
Lukwil, 14. Dez 21:17 Uhr
Ein richtig guter Kommentar zu den beiden spielen. Ich habe natürlich jetzt mach 2 Tagen bei weitem nicht die Stunden wie der Typ. Aber genau so wie er es beschreibt geht es mir bereits nach ein paar Stunden. Das Spiel ist an sich wirklich gut. Aber FP1 war einfach viel intensiver und man war irgendwie näher dran am "Leid" der Bevölkerung
Lukwil, 14. Dez 21:14 Uhr
I don't know how to rate this game. I'm a huge fan of the franchise. I played FP 1 for more than 200 hours, I played this one for 50 h and I stopped after the first play-through of the story and one endless mode level. This game is not bad at all, it looks and sounds posh, but for me it lacks the "soul" of FP1. It does not reach the epicness and "despair" of part 1. I try to elaborate on why: FP1: After barely making it through the challenging scenarios I felt positively exhausted that I made it and it gave me a sense of accomplishment. When I couldn't save enough people, I played it again to do better. FP2: I played it through and I was left with a sense of "that was it?" No reason to play on, after I found out how everything works and there won't be anything new to explore, build etc., just endless micromanagement. FP1: Managing one city was fun but still challenging. FP2: I liked the idea of creating colonies, to build new cities. But hopping between your colonies feels more like work than fun, because you always have to transfer resources or colonists, FP1: I really cared for my inhabitants, probably because there were so few and they were more "visible" to me. 1 died of frost and I felt bad that I was too slow in increasing the heat. FP2: 200 people died somewhere, I didn't know where and honestly I didn't care much because of the automatic population growth and the sheer number of my population. And they are somehow an "invisible" mass. FP1: Political decisions were felt throughout the level and were always painful. FP2: At the beginning I liked the idea with the factions and the council. Later in the game it was absolutely unnecessary to continue to vote in the council when I reached all of them tolerating or liking me and no new laws were there to vote on or I simply ignored them with no repercussion. FP1: Reasearching felt more urgent. It was difficult to decide what to research next, everything felt necessary and important to have. FP2: I left out several research, some didn't feel important and it wasn't. I left out the radical ideas completely because they felt too harsh, no problem at all, no repercussions. FP1: Exploring the frostland felt tougher and resources scarcer to find as it should be in a wasteland. FP2: Send out 50 people in every direction and find loads of resources, cores and people to rescue. Rinse and repeat till all lands are explored, so you can stop playing, nothing new is coming. Also, the idea with the districts: What do I really need them for? It just restricts my idea of building the city, And what is the sense of frostbreaking the terrain? Honestly, what is it for? Where is the fun or danger in it? In the end I kinda liked FP2 but only for a short time, much shorter than FP1 unfortunately...
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