Toggle3D Al - Die kleine NVIDIA

vom 01.03.2024, 17:22 Uhr
911 Leser announced it is launching the next era of GPT Al 3D product solutions of proprietary Artificial Intelligence (Al) algorithms. The initiative will be led by former Microsoft Executive Hareesh Achi, who is the current Head of Product Operations for and This news follows yesterday's press release by parent Company, who announced it is launching the next era of GPT Al 3D product solutions of proprietary Artificial Intelligence (Al) algorithms. A large portion of the GPT's and groundbreaking Al-powered algorithms mentioned in's press release live within the Toggle3D platform, which the Company is currently using to assist in scaling the production of 3D models. Executive leadership for both Company's firmly believe that the Al opportunity is in the early stages.

The shift from 2D to 3D modeling for e-commerce is a major multi-decade transformation that is being led by Al. This transformation is evident as major brands and companies are incorporating 3D models and AR shopping, including Amazon, Walmart, CB2, IKEA, Sephora, Target and more. GPT models are designed with user accessibility in mind, allowing for their development without requiring coding expertise.

They offer versatility for personal, exclusive business, or general public use. Setting them up is straightforward, using easy-to-understand conversational prompts to convey commands and information, and to choose features like internet searches, image creation, or data analysis. The initiative is being led by Head of Product Operations for and

Hareesh Achi boasts over ten years of experience at leading technology giants

Microsoft and Meta, showcasing a profound grasp of the tech industry along with a track record of developing efficient, scalable, and profitable tech operations. Most recently, he spearheaded the product data operations for Meta's Reality Labs, driving the growth of scaled operations across the Reality Labs product range. Before this, Achi played a critical role at Microsoft, managing the multi-billion dollar operations of Bing Ads.

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