
Original-Research: Warimpex Finanz- und Beteiligungs AG - from East Value Research GmbH

Classification of East Value Research GmbH to Warimpex Finanz- und Beteiligungs AG

Company Name: Warimpex Finanz- und Beteiligungs AG

ISIN: AT0000827209

Reason for the research: Update

from: 06.06.2024

Target price: EUR 1.58

Target price on sight of: 12-Monaten

Last rating change:

Analyst: Adrian Kowollik

Despite strong Hotel business, where the average occupancy rate is

developing well, Warimpex' (WXF) Q1/24 results were weak. The reason was a

9.3% decline in the Investment properties segment, which we believe stemmed

from two factors that will likely persist in Q2-Q4 2024: 1. A weak rouble

FX rate, and 2. Increasing problems with Russian tenants such as Gazprom

that seek to reduce office space and rent. As we wrote in previous reports

on WXF, Russia - which still accounts for >60% of the company's total

turnover and 35% of its Gross Asset Value - is the biggest risk from

investors' perspective and the reason for the high discount to NAV. Based

on our lower estimates for 2024E-2026E and lower peer-group-based fair

value (EUR 1.44 vs. EUR 2.66 before), we have determined a new 12-months PT

(50% NNNAV that we have additionally discounted by 50% due to the exposure

to Russia, 50% peer group) for Warimpex of EUR 1.58 (previously: EUR 2.23).

In Q1/24, the main factors affecting Warimpex' results included: 1. Higher

occupancy rates in the Hotels segment 2. Weaker Russian rouble 3. Higher

operating costs and 4. Provisions for trade receivables, in our view

relating to Russian clients. Total turnover equalled EUR 12.1m (-6.3%

y-o-y) and EBITDA, EBIT and net income were 32.2%-161.3% below last year.

Like in Q1/23, there were no asset sales. At the end of March 2024, WXF had

net debt of EUR 212.5m (31/12/23: EUR 210.3m, 31/03/23: EUR 218.1m).

While the Chopin co-living/office building in Cracow and the MC55 in

Bialystok have already received the building permits, we still expect that

they will only be completed in 2027E as WXF makes the start of construction

dependent on market conditions. In April 2024, Warimpex received the BREEAM

certificate for the 4th building: the Red Tower in Lodz. This shows that

sustainability and conformity with EU Taxonomy are clearly in the

management's focus.

You can download the research here:


For additional information visit our website


Contact for questions

Adrian Kowollik

Email: ak@eastvalueresearch.com

Tel. +49 30 20609082

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