
Original-Research: EasyMotionSkin Tec AG - von GBC AG

Einstufung von GBC AG zu EasyMotionSkin Tec AG

Unternehmen: EasyMotionSkin Tec AG

ISIN: LI1147158318

Anlass der Studie: Management Interview

Empfehlung: BUY

Kursziel: 20.00 CHF

Kursziel auf Sicht von: 31.12.2023

Letzte Ratingänderung:

Analyst: Matthias Greiffenberger, Marcel Schaffer

The 'world's smallest gym' presented itself very well at the Munich Capital

Markets Conference, investors can now also test the training system on



EasyMotionSkin Tec AG presented itself very well with its 'smallest gym in

the world' at the Munich Capital Markets Conference on November 15, 2022.

For example, the company presented its EMS training suit with its patented

dry electrode system to investors. By stimulating the body's muscles with

low-frequency electrical impulses, oxygen uptake can be increased and an

increase in performance as well as optimal training effects and

regeneration can be achieved. After the conference, the company will offer

investors the opportunity to see the technology product for themselves in

person at the company's premises.


Matthias Greiffenberger, an analyst for GBC AG, took the opportunity at the

MKK to conduct an interview with the head of sales, Michael Spitznagel, and

the head of finance, Werner Murr, about the product, the company and the

outlook going forward.


GBC AG: The MKK was the first capital market conference of EasyMotionSkin

Tec AG after the IPO. How was your experience?


Michael Spitznagel / Werner Murr: For us as EasyMotionSkin Tec AG, it was

very positive that numerous interested parties were present at our

presentation. The MKK is a great opportunity for a company to present

itself extensively to the capital market, the press and potential



GBC AG: The past year was characterized by supply chain problems and the

corona crisis. In your view, have these problems been completely resolved?


Michael Spitznagel / Werner Murr: Completely resolved is too much to say.

But we are on the right track. Delivery times for various parts are still

affected and gym operations are also suffering from the after-effects of

corona. Despite these obstacles, we will succeed in significantly

increasing our sales this year. We have used the recent past to optimize

our product range and our distribution channels.


GBC AG: How would you imagine the optimization of sales?


Michael Spitznagel: As a company, we have to constantly evolve and consider

new avenues. In this day and age, online sales are state of the art and we

will also test this at EasyMotionSkin. In addition to our partner sales

model, we will also address our customers directly in the future.


GBC AG: At the MKK, you also addressed the issue of rental/subscription

models. How does this affect the figures and the future of the company?


Michael Spitznagel: We can't say at the moment what the impact will be, we

have only just started with it. The creation of recurring revenues is

important for us, as we then have cash flows that can be planned well. Due

to the attractiveness of the rental conditions, this model could be scaled

upwards as desired.


GBC AG: Will there be a change in the business model due to

rental/abandonment models?


Michael Spitznagel: In the current status of the company, we will not

radically change our business model, but will gradually adapt it and

initially also operate it in parallel in some form. 


GBC AG: How has your business developed in the current year?


Michael Spitznagel: The year has gone well so far. We have published

current figures for MKK in the form of interim financial statements as of

October 31, 2022. According to this, we generated sales of around CHF 8.6

million by the end of October. We estimate that we will have generated

additional sales of around CHF 1.5 million by the end of the year, so that

we will end up with around CHF 10 million. Thus, we should more than double

our sales in the current year compared to the previous year.


GBC AG: When we talk about EMS, the question arises as to how a customer

can imagine this feeling?


Michael Spitznagel: Theoretically, our product can be explained very well,

but it is important to get to know EasyMotionSkin in practice. The

experience is outstanding, the rate of positive purchase decisions is

extremely high at over 75%. 


GBC AG: You mentioned that it is very important in the EMS industry that

customers experience the stimulation for themselves once. How and where can

customers try out the EasyMotionSkin system?


Michael Spitznagel: To experience the full experience, we cordially invite

anyone and everyone interested to our DOME in Seefeld. Alternatively, there

is the possibility to do a test training with one of our numerous

consultants-also privately at home. For this, please contact us via

ir@ems.ag or directly via our contact form at:



GBC AG: Thank you very much for the interview.


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Datum (Uhrzeit) der Fertigstellung: 08.12.2022 (09:20 Uhr)

Datum (Uhrzeit) der ersten Veröffentlichung: 08.12.2022 (12:00 Uhr)

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