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#Rank Wert Perf.
337 iShares Ethereum Trust -1,97 %
338 iSh US Re Est +1,55 %
339 Freedom 100 Emerging Markets ETF -0,27 %
340 iShs MSCI HK -1,44 %
341 iShares MSCI Qatar ETF -0,73 %
342 Global X SuperDividend REIT ETF Superdividend Reit ETF New +0,32 %
343 iShares MSCI Brazil ETF +2,24 %
344 Vg Intrmdt-Trm +0,75 %
345 SPDR Blackstone Senior Loan ETF +0,04 %
346 Invesco Actively Managed Exchange-Traded Commodity Fund Trust Optimum Yield Diversified Commodity Strategy No K-1 Fund +0,29 %
347 Invesco S&P 500 GARP ETF +0,05 %
348 iShares US Oil & Gas Exploration & Production ETF +1,67 %
349 Global X Superdividend ETF +0,64 %
350 Range Cancer Therapeutics ETF +2,72 %
351 iSh Rus1000 Val +1,41 %
352 Global X MSCI Greece ETF -1,08 %
353 VanEck Natural Resources ETF +0,86 %
354 iShares MSCI Global Sustainable Development Goals ETF -0,45 %
355 iShs Pfd & Inm +0,88 %
356 iShares MSCI Philippines ETF -0,27 %
357 Invesco S&P 500 Equal Weight Consumer Discretionary ETF +1,42 %
358 Vanguard International Dividend Appreciation ETF +0,72 %
359 United States 12 Month Oil Fund LP +1,26 %
360 PrShs Ult Tech -0,42 %
361 iShs Cr High Div +1,12 %
362 ClearBridge MLP and Midstream Fund Inc -0,09 %
363 SPDR EUROSTOX50 -0,10 %
364 ProShares UltraPro Short 20+ Year Treasury ETF -0,54 %
365 iShs Core Div +0,61 %
366 SPDR S&P EMkSC -0,41 %
367 iSh SP 500 Grwt +0,53 %
368 Global X AgTech & Food Innovation ETF +0,10 %
369 SPDR Prt Short -0,03 %
370 Sec SPDR Hlth +0,05 %
371 WsTr EmgMt QlDv +0,92 %
372 ARK 21Shares Blockchain and Digital Economy Innovation ETF -0,21 %
373 VanEck Preferred Securities ex Financials ETF +0,69 %
374 ProShares Ultra MSCI Japan +0,95 %
375 iShares MSCI UAE ETF -0,61 %
376 Managed Portfolio Series Tortoise Global Water ESG Fund +0,49 %
377 Fidelity Crypto Industry and Digital Payments ETF Fidelity Crypto Industry and Digital Payments ETF +6,40 %
378 Blue Horizon -2,47 %

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